Exercise 3: Programming languages - definitions


Programming languages

What is Coding? 


Code is required for electronic devices such as cell phones, laptops, and tablets to function properly. Coding allows us to communicate with those devices. Coding acts like translator Code converts human input into numerical sequences that computers understand. Once computers receive these messages, they complete assigned tasks such as changing font colours or centring an image.


Main languages used in modern programming (Guide to Programming Languages | ComputerScience.org, 2022):


HTML is the standard markup language used to create web pages. It ensures proper formatting of text and images (using tags) so that Internet browsers can display them in the ways they were intended to look.


C++ is a general purpose, object-oriented, middle-level programming language and is an extension of C language, which makes it possible to code C++ in a “C style”. In some situations, coding can be done in either format, making C++ an example of a hybrid language.


JavaScript is a client-side programming language that runs inside a client browser and processes commands on a computer rather than a server. It is commonly placed into an HTML or ASP file. Despite its name, JavaScript is not related to Java.


Python is an advanced programming language that is interpreted, object-oriented and built on flexible and robust semantics.


Ruby is an open-sourced, object-oriented scripting language that can be used independently or as part of the Ruby on Rails web framework.


Reference list:


Code a New Career | ComputerScience.org. 2022. Guide to Programming Languages | ComputerScience.org. [online] Available at: <https://www.computerscience.org/resources/computer-programming-languages/#ruby> [Accessed 1 April 2022].


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