Exercise 1: E-commerce definition, essential feature of e-commerce website.
Electronic commerce or more commonly known as e-commerce take important part in modern economics. Not everyone has to be familiar with its definition, but everyone at least once experiences online window shopping or order something off brands website.
Today we are going to have a closer look on definition of e-commerce. Understanding the definition of e-comms will reduce the potential risk of any future mistakes. Not only that might give student a better grade but can save future professional losing a client and money in effect.
The business of transaction goods and services online. (Cambridge Dictionary, 2022). Ecommerce is often used to refer to the sale of physical products, but it can also describe any kind of commercial transaction that is processed through the internet. E-business refers to all aspects of operating an online business, ecommerce refers specifically to the transaction of goods and services. (Shopify, 2022)
The Most Important E-commerce features your website needs:
- An easy-to-use checkout
- SEO friendly code and layout
- Promotion & discount code tools
- Content management capabilities
- Advanced e-commerce SEO capabilities
- Reporting tools & custom report features
- Multiple payment options (credit card, PayPal, PO, etc.)
- The ability to scale & add new e-commerce features (Smith, 2022)
To sum up E-commerce is referred when any online commercial transaction has been processed, so whenever you browse on Asos - that's Ecomms or when you are looking at PlayStation page to get PlayStation 5 - that's Ecomms.
The reference list:
Cambridge Dictionary, 2022. E-commerce. In: Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus. [online] Available at: <https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/e-commerce> [Accessed 28 January 2022].
Grabowska, K., 2022. Cash Inside a Tiny Shopping Cart. [image] Available at: <https://www.pexels.com/photo/cash-inside-a-tiny-shopping-cart-5632371/> [Accessed 1 April 2022].
Shopify, 2022. Ecommerce Definition - What is Ecommerce. [online] Shopify. Available at: <https://www.shopify.com/encyclopedia/what-is-ecommerce> [Accessed 28 January 2022].
Smith, J., 2022. Features of e Commerce - A Comprehensive List of Must-Have Ecommerce Website Features. [online] OuterBox SEO & Website Design. Available at: <https://www.outerboxdesign.com/web-design-articles/ecommerce_features> [Accessed 1 February 2022].
the structure of the description is really informative , i would also add a title to your reference list