Exercise 14: Homepage Assessment



“We sometimes encounter people, even perfect strangers, who begin to interest us at first sight, somehow suddenly, all at once, before a word has been spoken.”(Dostoyevsky, 2022)


The importance of first impression and how to manipulate it are well known among modern society members. There are countless studies dedicated to observing the corelation between first impression and number of supposedly not related factors such as Polish article focusing on tattoos and what impact are they having on first impression (link below). In this post I aim to remind about the importance of first impression, how it is that correlated to e-commerce page and what was the process of creating Jera homepage.



Yankee Candles is one the most popular candle brand in the world which makes their offer wider than the competition. Their homepage is divided in multiple horizonal sections which are intuitive for regular user: search button in the middle with logo, login icon, find store, personalise, and cart. What it different from other pages is top left corner icons which send us to different brand website own by the same company.



 Below both of those section is shop by bar and multiple store departments. What Yankee done was to animate each individual icon to display a full selection of each one of them. 


Same animation was done on Handmade candle co. website, but not every icon was animated - only shop. 




The general layout of this page fits more with brand aesthetics. What I am going to intergrade in Jera homepage is:

-full picture on page instead of framed. 

-still dividing page in section, but they will be more blended in (Yankee: clear tabs; homemade candles co. : blended tabs into picture 

-shop button animated – changing partly (Yankee) still blended 


The footer of Yankee page has larger fond which is more user friendly, yet Handmade candle co even with smaller font looks clearer and has extra newsletter button. 




What I am going to integrate on my page:

-layout of Handmade candle co. – simplicity 

-payment & social media ICONS 

-newsletter sign in 

-main subpages


  If it is possible I would integrate this cookie icon too. 



Tattooed men: Healthy bad boys and good-looking competitors:



Dostoyevsky, F., 2022. [online] Wisesayings.com. Available at: <https://www.wisesayings.com/first-impressions-quotes/> [Accessed 3 February 2022].

